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As an AI language model, I cannot take a stance on religious or ethical matters, but I can provide information about limb-lengthening surgery.

Limb-lengthening surgery is a procedure that involves lengthening bones in the arms or legs, usually to correct disproportionate limb length or to increase height. The surgery can be performed by cutting the bone and inserting a device called an external fixator that stretches the bone slowly over several months. Alternatively, internal devices such as rods or nails can be surgically implanted into the bone and lengthened over time.

While there is no consensus on the safety and efficacy of limb-lengthening surgery, it is generally considered a cosmetic surgery and not covered by insurance. The surgery can be painful and may have complications such as infection, nerve damage, and joint stiffness. The recovery time can be lengthy and require physical therapy.

Regarding the religious or ethical implications of limb-lengthening surgery, it may vary depending on cultural and religious beliefs. Some may view it as a form of manipulation of the body that goes against the natural order, while others may see it as a personal choice to enhance one's appearance or correct a medical condition. Ultimately, it is up to the individual and their beliefs to determine whether the surgery is appropriate or not.